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Ceramics I & II

Course Description:

This class will equip you with the necessary training to complete successful ceramic pieces and provide you with an advanced knowledge of three-dimensional art techniques. This is intended for those studying ceramics in depth for the first time and is a comprehensive introduction to the craft of clay working. You will work with hand-built and wheel thrown clay, and will learn about certain artists and movements in art history and learn how to describe and analyze their artwork.


Major Course Objectives:

- Proper technique in wheel thrown and hand built

- Advanced craftsmanship abilities

- Knowledge of related artists and styles from art history

- Exposure/discussion of careers in visual art


Lab Fee:

Students will purchase clay from myself for ten dollars/per bag. They will need one bag of clay per semester. Students will also need to bring an apron if possible. 




2016 Ceramic II students made a trip to our local ceramic studio called Phoenix Fired Art. Here is a link to their site: 

Phoenix Fired Art

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