National Art Honor Society: JHS
Each year students who show exceptional artistic abilites and drive to volunteer are inducted into Joplin High Schools' chapter of the National Art Honor Society that I sponsor.
If you have a current Sophomore or above student who is enrolled in a current art class and is interested in becoming a member please have them come see me at school in room B215 or email me at:
The pledge:
I will in my life,
to the best of my ability
through my talents in art
help to create a more
beautiful world for myself,
for humankind,
and for all living things.

Current NAHS Junior helping face paint at a local even for NAHS. Fall 2019

2018 NAHS Members completed a mural in our school library, which included the quote by C.S. Lewis "You can never get a cup of tea large enough, or a book long enough to suit me." Students painted book covers that were chosen from a list of popular rented books during the school year. It was a big project, but over all it turned out amazing!
NAHS Held Community Paint Night for School Culture
NAHS Painted canvases to use in bathrooms around the school to improve school culture. We had students select different inspirational quotes that they enjoyed and they were able to paint a canvas in whatever style they wished. The paintings were then displayed around the school to encourage students throughout the day.