KCAI Art Lab for Educators

Over the summer I had a chance to attend the Art Lab for Educators at Kansas City Art Institute in Missouri. This was my first time to attend and I have to say it exceeded my expectations. I was enrolled in the Ceramics program and endured long studio hours and had use of their amazing facilities.
During the five days I got a chance to learn about 3D printing, how to create 3D printed tools and the wonderful applications that this had for my program. We used online software called tinkercad which was surprisingly easy to get the hang of. We created clay stamps, clay tile cutters and texture rollers. We were then able to print our creations and try them out on clay. From then we were able to modify our designs and print new improved models. I quickly learned that just because something looks like it would create a neat texture, doesn't always turn out that way when it gets printed and you try and use it.
Over all it was an amazing experience and I learned quite a bit. I am really excited to try these new techniques and apply them in my ceramics and sculpture classes.
My instructor was Jo Kamm and here is a link to his website: https://jokamm.com/