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New class.....who dis?

My intro level 3D Art Classes are only a semester long, which means after the holiday break it feels like the first day of school all over again. Here are some of the quick get to know you games I play for my first day. The first one is "Draw Something Challenge," I got the idea from the draw something game I used to play awhile back. I have students create drawings about them in order for me to get to know them. The questions are:

1. Draw your favorite food

2. Draw your family

3. Draw what you did over break

4. Draw what you like to do for fun

5. Draw your greatest fear

6. Draw a goal you have for this year

7. Draw your favorite cartoon

8. Draw your favorite animal

I get a great response from the students as a fun way to get to know them in a unique way. I also like the challenge of using only drawings, no text or symbols. It prompts the students to be unique in their ways of expressing their interests. Another reason I love this game, is on the back of the paper I have my students write "One thing they want me to know about them...". This has by FAR been the best way to get to know my students. Some write basic answers like their favorite color, or they have a job after school. But there are a few answers that really tell me important things that the student might not feel comfortable telling me face to face. I encourage you all to try and ask this simple question of your might be surprised by what you learn.

I also play a game called the Pig Personality Profile, I got off of another great website for icebreakers. This game forces students to draw their idea of a pig and then interprets the meaning of their pig. This always gets a BUNCH of laughs from the students as they nod in approval. Some examples are: if your pig is on the top of the paper you are optimistic person.... and so forth.

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