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Pottery Addict

My love for ceramics and all things clay have been around since I took classes at Missouri Southern State University around 2009. Ceramics as an art form is not for the faint of heart, you need determination and skill. Something I lacked in my early years, but developed along the way. Spending hours building an awesome sculpture, only to have it explode in the kiln will make any person determined to master the art of pottery.

Those long nights in the ceramic studio basement, tirelessly building clay sculptures, solidified my love for clay as the perfect medium. Clay's natural ability to transform into any shape and size, get reused/reclaimed and then lastly finding beauty in its imperfections. This naturally went hand in hand with my passion for teaching. I was determined to inspire my students into loving clay.

After teaching high school for ten years, a lot about my teaching style might have changed, but what hasn't changed is my inspiration when it comes to making examples for my students. I think of it as a creative outlet for myself to be able to create unique piece of pottery that my students might find inspiring. Whether it be handbuilding my zillionth coil pot, or throwing a nice mug on the potter's wheel. I still get energized being able to create right along with my students.


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